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DREW BARRYMOREThe steps could now be heard just a few feet away from the other side of the door. NOW! I unlocked it, flung it open, and screamed like a maniac, “AHHH!” as I wound up the machete over my shoulder, ready to swing it down and decapitate the intruders…uh, well, if need be!
Right in front of me, with bug-eyes and screaming even louder than me “AHHHHHH!” were two females, terrified out of their minds! There stood my wife Jacqui’s friend Ildiko, and her eight-year-old daughter Drew Barrymore! Yeah, that Drew!
I almost decapitated poor Drew, who was screamin’ in fear of the crazy wild man about to swing this frightening machete down on her. She looked as terrified as when we had all seen her famous scream upon meeting Spielberg’s E.T. just a few months earlier on our movie screens! Sorry Drew.
Category Archives: Celebrity in America
Blagojevich the Jackass
I don’t get it. We all want the very best doctors to operate on us, the very best pilots to fly our airplanes, but why is the bar so damn low for politicians? For our leaders? I love my country … Continue reading
Remembering Bubba
“Yo Bubba, can we try that again…except this time try not to kill the guy!” I remember giving that direction to Bubba Smith on the set of Blue Thunder in 1984. I was teasing him about rough-housing a stuntman bad … Continue reading
Cowboys & Aliens & Smurfs?
When I heard about the Cowboys & Aliens project, my first thought was “Wow, what a pitch that must have been!” Talk about a high concept title and certainly an unusually daring idea. So imagine being a fly on the … Continue reading
Film Scams and Aroma-Scope!
Raising indie financing for movies is so very difficult and time consuming. It took me 3 years to raise $1,250,000 for my first feature RETRIBUTION and I outline that journey in my memoir. I was amazed to read that scammers … Continue reading
Save Our Great Resource: TEACHERS!
Yeah, I know every federal, state, and city is trying to cut expenditures and limit the gigantic amount of waste our “fatty nation” is funding, but we should never sacrifice our teacher pool in the process. In Los Angeles alone, … Continue reading
Kismet: Spielberg & JJ & SUPER-8
One of the great thrills about filmmaking are the industry folks you look up to, the ones who inspire you, the ones whose next films you can’t wait to see, the ones you hope to meet and get to know. … Continue reading
Welcome All Visitors
Hello and welcome to my blog. This memoir – Kiss Me Quick Before I Shoot – is unconventional because it deals with diverse topics from the wild and crazy behind-the-scenes stories of a Hollywood filmmaking career to finding and celebrating true … Continue reading