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I’m not a fan of traditional weddings. It’s supposed to be the most special and happiest day of your life. The same night I proposed in Jamaica, I mentioned to Jacqui I did not want a formal wedding, and wished to do something more romantic, more unique, more fun.
“I thought we’d do…a period wedding,” I blurted.
She looked perplexed, but intrigued. “And what time period were you thinkin’ about?”
I wasn’t sure how this was going to sound, but I decided to just go for it. “A romantic time period…you know…with harpists and costumed dancers and jugglers, and a horse and buggy to bring you in, and hooligans to kidnap you in front of our guests, and you screamin’ for help, and a knight in shining armor to rescue you, and sword fights and duels and…” I stopped as it sounded too huge even to me, like a blockbuster movie.
She looked a little baffled. Well, more than a little. She smiled, and with no hesitation, she said, “Wow! Sounds amazing! What a great idea. Let’s do it!”
Tag Archives: Better graduates
Save Our Great Resource: TEACHERS!
Yeah, I know every federal, state, and city is trying to cut expenditures and limit the gigantic amount of waste our “fatty nation” is funding, but we should never sacrifice our teacher pool in the process. In Los Angeles alone, … Continue reading