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Once the breathtaking Jacqui arrived and got off the flowered carriage in the middle of 300 open-mouthed guests, four “scoundrels” in costume regalia unsheathed their swords, grabbed Jacqui (who feigned a helpless maiden), and announced they were kidnapping the bride.
“Unhand that woman for she is mine!” The hooligans froze in their tracks when my booming voice erupted. The hero had arrived. Everyone applauded. I exchanged nasty words with the scoundrels, and then we drew swords. It was a riot. I had rehearsed this blazing sword fight with my actor/stuntmen buddies the day before; now, with adrenaline pumping in front of 300 guests, we almost killed each other! Thankfully they remembered it was my wedding day and the plot was for me to win the maiden’s hand. I rescued my princess just like in the movies.
It was my Errol Flynn life moment!
Tag Archives: Brightest for Office
Blagojevich the Jackass
I don’t get it. We all want the very best doctors to operate on us, the very best pilots to fly our airplanes, but why is the bar so damn low for politicians? For our leaders? I love my country … Continue reading
Posted in Celebrity in America, Election Year Liars Emerge, Entertainment News, Politics Today, President Obama, Reality Shows, Tea Bagger Hypocrisy
Tagged Brightest for Office, Celebrity Apprentice, Donald Trump, Game Shows, Illinois Politics, Illinois voters, Michele Bachman, Mitt Romney, President Obama, Rick Perry, Rod Blagojevich, Sarah Palin