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I’m not a fan of traditional weddings. It’s supposed to be the most special and happiest day of your life. The same night I proposed in Jamaica, I mentioned to Jacqui I did not want a formal wedding, and wished to do something more romantic, more unique, more fun.
“I thought we’d do…a period wedding,” I blurted.
She looked perplexed, but intrigued. “And what time period were you thinkin’ about?”
I wasn’t sure how this was going to sound, but I decided to just go for it. “A romantic time period…you know…with harpists and costumed dancers and jugglers, and a horse and buggy to bring you in, and hooligans to kidnap you in front of our guests, and you screamin’ for help, and a knight in shining armor to rescue you, and sword fights and duels and…” I stopped as it sounded too huge even to me, like a blockbuster movie.
She looked a little baffled. Well, more than a little. She smiled, and with no hesitation, she said, “Wow! Sounds amazing! What a great idea. Let’s do it!”
Tag Archives: Jamie Rose
HOLLYWOOD LORE: “Gimme A Bullet Hit Here…Like This!”
When you’re directing television, the most fun and creative challenge is adapting to the rapid transition of style/genre and meeting diverse personnel you encounter from series to series which can result in some of the most bizarre and hilarious adventures … Continue reading
Posted in Book Lovers, Celebrity in America, Entertainment News, Filmmaking, Great Film Directors, Hollywood Industry, Kiss Me Quick Before I Shoot, Movie Magic, Television Production, Uncategorized
Tagged ABC, Chicago, Chris Chulack, Danny Aiello, ER, Guy Magar, Jamie Rose, Johnny Depp, Lady Blue, MGM Television